A nine month entry-level architecture traineeship providing an alternative and accessible route into a career designing and making buildings, spaces, cities, and communities.

Are you passionate about the built environment?

Build The Way is offering nine traineeship placements to young Londoners at a selection of different Architecture Practices in London starting in October 2024.

Each trainee is paid London Living Wage for a 32 hour week, with an additional 1 day a week at the London School of Architecture undertaking their EPQ.

With no experience-based barriers to application, places are offered to those who can show a passion for design and cities.

Our mission is to attract people from all backgrounds into the world of architecture and place-making.

We want to challenge conventional routes into the profession and be a part of the debate on architectural education.

Interested in applying?

The next round of applications are now open.

Find out more here.


The next round of applications opens June 2024.
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